Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mercury Retrograde

So, work has been really stressful today and I can't help but blame Mercury Retrograde.

A few weeks a year, the planet Mercury looks like it's moving backwards in the sky, against the rest of the stars. According to an article in the Huffington Post, Mercury rules “intelligence, mind, memory and all types of communication ranging from talking and texting to writing. It also affects your self-expression and communication style. In a more public sense, it rules commerce, computers, telephones, transportation and air travel.”

I work in commerce and I've had two closings delayed in the past week and a really low appraisal I have to rebut. 


Add in monthly menses misery and everything else going on, it's been a super fun last two weeks of April! 

The bright side? None of this made me want to drink and I went to Marshalls today and bought new, comfy summer jam jam jammies. 

So, life is good and this concludes Day 10! I'm in double digits!! 

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